Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Return from the Jaws of death

Return from the Jaws of death

My failure to post during the last three months has been due to serious health problems. I was hospitalized in late November. During a heart procedure my heart stopped beating. It was shocked back to life, but then a lung collaspsed and my life was again threatened. A trache procedure was performed, and once again I was snatched from the jaws of death. I suppose if you die twice you become a candidate to be a Zombie! However my rehabilitation so far has not included bitting pe0ple.

I spent 10 days in a coma, and then a month flat on my back. I have now been in rehabilitation for nearly a month, and although I have a lot of problems, I am making trurly amazing progress.

I attribute my survival to two things. The first is my love for my wife Becky, sand her love for me. The second is to continue to tell the MSR/LFTR STORY. I believe that the MSR is of great importance for the future of human society and that this needs to be explained over and over until people grasp the concept. Telling the story is my missi0n, and I need to live in order to continue to do so untill the message is heard.

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